WHOIS Lookup Domain Name Availability
Search the WHOIS Database
What is the WHOIS database?
The WHOIS domain database is a listing of all registered domains, and is regularly used for various legal purposes. Network administrators use WHOIS data to identify and fix problems. For instance, WHOIS information can be used to determine the availability of domain names, identify trademark infringement, and keep domain name registrants accountable.
WHOIS verification can even be utilized to combat spam or fraud, as administrators can track down registrants who post illegal content or participate in phishing scams. In addition, the agreements from The International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) protects domain registrants by prohibiting the use of WHOIS listings for marketing or spam purposes, including high-volume, automated queries against a specific registrar or registry system (unless such queries are done with the intent to manage domain names). For more information on this, read our helpful guide to navigating WHOIS.
How can I use the WHOIS Lookup Tool?
Using the OpanHost WHOIS domain lookup tool is easy. You can simply enter the domain name whose information you’d like to view into the search field on the WHOIS main page. You can retrieve key data about a domain in this way, including availability, ownership, creation, and expiration details.
How do I update my WHOIS information?
It’s easy to update your WHOIS contact information in the Domain Contact Information of your OpanHost account. It’s only takes a few simple steps, and you can update all your contacts at once, or just one at a time. It’s important to always keep your contact information up to date, both to comply with ICANN regulations and to make certain you’re receiving correspondence at the correct email address.